24 Jul Tips And Tricks To Live Better With Tremor
Tremor affects different individuals differently; but one common challenge is everyday tasks like eating, drinking, writing, and dressing becoming difficult. Constant vibrations makes one helpless and frustrated; and when the vibrations increase and are clearly visible, it has patients feeling embarrassed in public, torturing them mentally, and resulting in depression. But, there are certain tips and tricks that you can use to make your everyday tasks manageable! And then, there are various kinds of medications, therapies, exercises, injections, and surgeries that can help you control your tremors. Here are some tips that you can integrate into your lifestyle to live better with tremor.
- Conserving your energy
You may not realize this, but your involuntary shaking can use up a lot of energy from your body. Thus, it is important that you conserve as much energy as possible. Because tremors worsen when you are weary or tired, or are experiencing fatigue, it is important that you tackle strenuous tasks before you get tired or when your medications are in full effect. So, plan your activities carefully.
- Sleeping well
7-8 hours of sleep is good for any individual, but, it is most important for a tremor patient to compulsorily get this amount of sleep. Make sure that your room is quiet, relaxing, dark, and at a comfortable temperature. Also, get your room rid of any electronics like TVs, smart phones, and laptops. And, to help you sleep well, you must avoid heavy meals, caffeine, and alcohol at night. You can also opt for walking or exercising before going to bed as it will alleviate stress and help you sleep better.
- Body positioning
Because tremor is uncomfortable, positioning your body in the most comfortable posture is important. The most relaxing pose is to sit with both feet on the floor, with your knees and hips in line, and elbows placed against your body or a surface, to give stability when using your hands for any task.
- Eating
You must use large-grip utensils, deep-bowl spoons, and bendable utnesils to help you eat comfortably. Also, make sure you eat on anti-slip surfaces, so that your meals can be easier and less stressful.
- Writing
You are suggested to use an ergonomic pen while writing. You can also have a stamp made for your signature and address information. And, to make writing really easy, you will need to consult a specialist offering tremor treatment in UAE, who can advise you on the correct posture changes and minor adaptations.
These are just some of the tips that can help you lead a better and relaxing life even after you are attacked by tremor. For further advice, medications, and solutions, you can get in touch with Dr. Shivam Mittal, a renowned movement disorders specialist, who offers the finest tremor treatment in UAE. Remember that every individual is different; and different medications/techniques/therapies work differently on different patients. Thus, you will get specialized treatment here depending upon your age, health, body type, and body condition.