18 Aug Why Movement Disorders Require Specialized Care?
Movement disorders, as the name itself suggests, are disorders associated with the movement of the muscles within the body. Some disorders may make movements slow and rigid, while others may bring tremors and involuntary movement. Although such disorders are physical, they also have a deep impact on the mind. Because they affect everyday activities, they make it difficult for the patient to live a normal life, both personally and socially, which may make him frustrated and psychologically disturbed. If not taken care of, movement disorders may worsen the symptoms physically, while also taking the patient down the depression lane!
How can movement disorders be taken care of?
Even though we say that you must take care of and have yourself treated if you are suffering from a movement disorder, the sad truth is that there is actually no permanent cure of any of these complex ailments. These ailments can be managed and controlled with the help of medications, injections, therapies, lifestyle changes, or surgeries, but they cannot be treated. In simple terms, you can suppress the symptoms, but not eliminate the disorder completely. Moreover, no general doctor can help control your symptoms; you’ll need specialized care from a movement disorders specialist.
Why is specialized care required?
Every individual suffering from a movement disorder has his own different symptoms and problems, which is why each patient requires in-depth clinical diagnosis to identify the right kind of treatment. You thus need to approach a practitioner with advanced special training in movement disorders. One such genuine expert you can trust is Dr. Shivam Mittal, an internationally recognized expert, offering patients with patient-centered care and successful movement disorders treatment in UAE.
Who is a movement disorders specialist?
Can you believe that there are more than 600 neurological disorders that can affect the brain and nervous system!? This makes neurology a particular branch of medicine. A neurologist receives broad training in these hundred types of neurological diseases. But, a movement disorders specialist is specifically trained to treat those neurological disorders that affect mobility. Because of the in-depth knowledge of the latter, it is always advisable to approach such a specialist to have your movement disorder treated.
How can movement disorders be treated?
- Every individual patient possesses different symptoms and faces different difficulties. This is why it is important that every individual patient’s condition is thoroughly diagnosed so as to find the right treatment. All kinds of questions can be asked, and symptoms analyzed. The patient can be asked about their medical history, or any genetic or hereditary disease running in the family. Based on that, quite a lot can be determined about the patient’s condition.
- If the disorder is in the initial stages, the patient would be recommended a few medications, therapies, and lifestyle changes to help control the involuntary or rigid movements.
- If medications do not work, a miraculous Botox injection can be given. This injection is injected into the appropriate muscle that is responsible for the movement issue. The injection can bring miraculous results, but those that will be lasting only a few months, which is why you’ll need to be injected every 4-6 months, depending upon the requirement and condition of your problem.
- Finally, if the condition is so worse that nothing else works, there is no option but to undergo a surgery – the Deep Brain Stimulation surgery, which involves installing electrodes into the brain and a pulse generator into the chest. These electrodes and pulse generator are connected with extension wires, through which signals are passed from the latter to the former to control muscle movements.