18 Nov Getting The Best Results From Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery
Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s in UAE is a well-known surgery, recognized for improving the quality of life of patients suffering from various movement disorders like dystonia, essential tremor, and Parkinson’s Disease. Although the results may vary from person to person, the surgery has been generally noted to be effective. But, even after knowing this, it is human to still be scared, because after all it is a surgery; and undergoing a surgery has its own risks and limitations, depending upon the health and condition of the patient. If you are one of them too who is not yet sure about undergoing the surgery, we’ll help you understand the entire process so that you know what all you’ll experience right from the evaluation process to the procedure of surgery and then post-surgery. This understanding will help you realize that the surgery, although complicated, yet is an effective procedure.
Pre-operative evaluation
The success of a surgery highly depends upon the decisions taken before the actual surgery is executed. The evaluation of the health of the patient, and the diagnosis made, is of prime importance. Determining accurate diagnosis is extremely critical for optimal surgical outcomes. That’s because the Deep Brain Stimulation surgery involves placing electrodes into the brain and a pacemaker into the chest area, and you can’t just install these elements within the body without proper diagnosis. Thus, a thorough check-up and proper diagnosis of the whole body is important.
daTscan is one imaging test that specifically targets the dopamine transporter, which pumps the dopamine back into the neurons so that it can be reused for the next signal transmission, allowing normal movement. The transporter increases the overall amount of dopamine available for neurotransmission. But, in the case of Parkinson’s Disease, neuronal loss leads to a reduction in DaT, which is detected by this scan.
Another important decision to be made is to select the brain target for the patient. For this, the patient’s symptoms, precise anatomy of the brain, and his psychological and cognitive state need to considered. All these factors are important to be taken into account when selecting the best target to improve the symptoms, without altering the patient’s psychological state. And, these decisions need to be taken by a specialized movement disorder neurologist, neurosurgeon, or neuropsychologist. Such experts are essential to conduct an accurate evaluation, taking into account everything from the physical condition of the patient and his overall health to the patient’s medical history and genetic disorders, if any. Dr. Shivam Mittal is one such expert you can rely upon to undergo an effective and complete consultation and evaluation, and the most result-oriented Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s in UAE, along with thorough post-operative care too.
Procedure of surgery
The main procedure of the Deep Brain Stimulation surgery involves placing two electrodes into the brain of the patient, which are connected with the help of extension wires to a pacemaker installed into the chest area, which sends signals to the brain for controlled movement. Sounds risky, doesn’t it? But, several technical advancements have improved the precision of the pacemaker and electrode placement into the body of the patient. A conventional stereotactic fixed frame can help to allow precise electrode insertion. But, stimulating the right location for insertion is also important, which can be done with the help of surgical coordinates, based on historical atlases. MRI scans can help delineate the target region more precisely.
Post-operative evaluation
Just as much as pre-operative evaluation is important, so is post-operative evaluation too. The quality of care given to the patient after the surgery is what determines the final success of the procedure. Post-operative imaging can help determine the position of the electrode in the target region, allowing for accurate stimulation. The medication can also be adjusted and reduced slightly once the Deep Brain Stimulation is initiated.
To sum it up, a successful Deep Brain Stimulation surgery begins in the planning phase prior to the actual procedure, and continues well beyond the device implant. And, every decision throughout the journey needs to be taken with utmost care and complete confidence. There are four basic factors that can help determine the success of the surgery, namely confirming an accurate diagnosis, selecting the appropriate brain target, placing the electrodes precisely, and conducting a thorough post-operative evaluation.