16 Apr How Can A Simple Botox Injection Treat All Kinds Of Urinary Problems?
We all know Botox as one of the procedures for smoothing wrinkles. It is a trend for celebrities to undergo Botox surgeries to slow down their ageing process. But, what we all might not know is that Botox is an effective treatment for patients with neurological disorders like tremor, dystonia, and Parkinson’s disease. Because such patients exhibit involuntary movements and shaking of their body parts, the Botox injection helps bring their involuntary movements under control, at least for a few months.
Another very effective usage of Botox has been for those experiencing urinary problems along with these ailments. Majority of patients having such neurological disorders tend to have urinary tract problems too. Because their brain nerves do not send signals to the bladder for controlling the urine until the patient can reach the bathroom, such patients experience urinary issues like urgency, frequency, incontinence, repeated nighttime urination, etc. There is good news for such patients with the advent of the Botox treatment to treat such conditions and help them control their urine.
The Botulinum toxin, or Botox in short, is a neurotoxin produced by the gram-positive rod-shaped anaerobic bacterium Clostridium botulinum, which blocks the release of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction when the patient is injected with this toxin. This is a temporary paralysis treatment that has been utilized in different medical disciplines over the years to treat muscular hypercontraction. And, it has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration, which makes it safe to be injected in patients with neuromuscular disorders.
The Botox toxin is available in various types, ranging from A to F, with the Botox A being the most potent with greater duration of action. It is widely used by medical practitioners to irreversibly bind to the presynaptic membrane, and cause skeletal muscle atrophy. However, the effects will start to decline within 3 to 6 months, meaning that the patient will have to be re-injected with this toxin every 3 to 6 months as required.
Many ailments related to urological conditions have been treated with the Botox toxin. These include intractable overactive bladder, neurogenic bladder causing kidney damage, chronic prostatic pain, prostatic enlargement, and irritative bladder symptoms. This is why patients have found the Botox toxin to be a boon to their urine ailments! Before being treated with the toxin, they have had to face a miserable life full of embarrassment due to urine leakage in public, psychological problems, social problems, and sexual problems. More than 100 million people around the world experience these ailments! And, if you are one of them, you must definitely opt for this treatment too, to free yourself of the miserable life you must be leading right now! If not, you may end yourself up in depression and loss of self-esteem. So, get in touch with Dr. Shivam Mittal right away and have yourself treated at the most renowned and certified botulinum toxin clinic in UAE.
Generally, 100-300 units of Botox-A toxin are used, depending upon the patient’s condition. It takes only 15-20 minutes to inject the bladder with this toxin. A cystoscope, which is a small tube containing a camera, is passed into the bladder through the urethra to inspect the inside of the bladder. Then, a very thin needle is passed through the cystoscope and the toxin is injected in 20-30 different areas of the bladder muscle walls. Although it seems to be a heavy procedure, it is a very minimally invasive procedure. Moreover, this procedure is provided under local and general anesthesia, depending upon the patient’s state of mind and body; and you needn’t stay at the hospital for even a single night. So, you needn’t worry about anything at all. In fact, it’s all a win-win for you, making it nothing to give a second thought to.