28 Aug Can One Pursue Goals While Living With Parkinson’s Disease?
As you may know, Parkinson’s disease is a disorder of the nervous system. When the right signals are not passed on from the brain to the muscles, Parkinson’s disease develops to cause involuntary movement of the limbs, face, jaws, and neck; thus causing utmost discomfort and pain to patients. Some of them feel so nervous and embarrassed about their condition that they go into depression. And, when the condition worsens, patients may even get bedridden.
With such conditions, you may think that it is impossible for Parkinson’s patients to do anything or execute any kind of task. But, let us remind you that when Parkinson’s patients are treated with love, care, and compassion, and are given the right treatment, while staying within a positive environment, they can feel better. And, this better feeling can lead to patients becoming positive about themselves and trying to take up various tasks. You would be surprised to know that many patients who have been encouraged have resulted in becoming great artists, musicians, and painters!
Parkinson’s disease patients, when approach a professional and expert movement disorders specialist in UAE, like Dr. Shivam Mittal, can be put on oral medications or injections which they have to take regularly. However, if the condition is worse, or if patients want a more long-term relaxation from Parkinson’s, they can undergo Deep Brain Stimulation surgery. This surgery being invasive has its own possible side-effects, but it also has better results that last for a few years. This is a life-altering treatment after being living with Parkinson’s for a while. The tremor is eliminated, the stiffness of the limbs is reduced, and the executive functionality capability is boosted.
However, Parkinson’s is more mentally disturbing than physically uncomfortable. Thus, this ailment affects a good number of patients mentally, which may result in negativity, sadness, loneliness, and depression. This is why along with medications, injections, and surgeries, Parkinson’s patients are also prescribed other therapies like meditation, yoga, exercise, and massages. All of this strengthens and relaxes the brain, thus helping patients to cope up with their problem. Also, doctors suggest a change in diet and nutrition, eliminating all that may worsen their condition.
At first, patients may feel helpless and worried, but when the right treatment is given and they are made to live in the right environment, a new hopeful path opens its way. This brings a world of a whole lot of things to do. Patients are given brain-stimulating and creative activities to keep the brain functioning properly. These activities instill new feeling within them, which may help them take up seriousness in creative stuff like arts and music. In fact, life after Parkinson’s disease can expand an individual’s creativity and compassion.
Thus, Parkinson’s is definitely an ailment you can ignore, but having it doesn’t mean you have to give up on everything. You may have to give up on your job or other responsibilities, but it doesn’t mean you can pursue your creative dreams. Life is not over with Parkinson’s; it is just on a different course. If you take it positively, it will definitely alter you path, steering it into a positive direction.