04 Sep Parkinson’s Disease – Symptoms, Diagnosis, And Treatment
Parkinson’s disease – you may have heard this name, but how much do you really know about this neurological disorder? Are you educated enough to be able to find out the symptoms in yourself or your loved ones? Any kind of ailment, if caught at an early stage, can be cured and treated better. And, this disorder is a very discomforting and frustrating one as it makes one feel ashamed, embarrassed, and also fatigued. So, if you are well aware of the symptoms, you can likely identify them at the earliest and get the patient treated before it’s too late. This is why we have come up with this blog which will help you know not only about the symptoms, but also the diagnosis and treatments associated with the ailment.
What are the symptoms of Parkinson’s?
Parkinson’s begins with tremor in the hands, fingers, or legs. It could be while at rest, or when a person is distracted. It could start with one of the hands, and may go away when the person begins an activity. Thus, you need to be very observant about this symptom. Other symptoms could be rigidity in the limbs, slow movement, balance issues, stooped posture, coordination problems, and changes in handwriting.
What causes Parkinson’s?
While there is no certain cause for Parkinson’s, there are various possibilities. While some say Parkinson’s is a heredity or genetical disorder, others say it has nothing to do with that. Parkinson’s could also strike with an overdose of certain medications, or an overdose/withdrawal of alcohol and drugs.
When should you see a doctor?
If you notice the above mentioned symptoms in yourself or anyone around you, you must immediately consult a doctor. However, you need a Parkinson’s disease specialist in UAE if you have has a persistent tremor for almost six months, or if you have had tremor for a shorter time, but more bad days than good ones. Also, if you experience two or more of the above mentioned symptoms, you must definitely consult a specialist.
How will the doctor diagnose your condition?
While there is no specific test for Parkinson’s, the doctor will take multiple steps to analyze your condition. First and foremost, he will ask you about your family’s genetic history, and your own individual medical history. Then, he will conduct a complete physical exam. Other than this, other tests like blood tests, urine tests, and the like may be performed.
How is Parkinson’s treated?
Depending upon your condition, the doctor will prescribe your medications and therapies. If the condition is more severe, you will be prescribed Botox injections. Worse than that, you will be advised a surgery. Remember that none of these alternatives can eliminate Parkinson’s completely. It can only control the ailment and manage the symptoms. Oral medications can keep symptoms under control while you are taking them on a regular basis. Botox injections once taken will have a lasting effect for a few months, which is why you will have to be re-injected every 3 to 6 months. Deep Brain Stimulation surgery can have effects lasting for almost 2 years, after which you will again have to undergo replacement of the installed medical components within your body. Whatever your treatment type, remember to have a continuous session of exercises and therapies as suggested by your doctor, because these sessions will help your muscles relax and keep you at ease.
So, while there is no permanent cure for Parkinson’s, there is always hope that you can feel comfortable while on treatment. So, whenever you experience any of the above mentioned symptoms, get in touch with Dr. Shivam Mittal, the most renowned and experienced Parkinson’s disease specialist in UAE. Here, you will be given appropriate treatment which will definitely improve your condition and help you live an active and high quality life for decades to come!